Speaker: Dr. Voth is a specialist in Internal Medicine, Pain Management, and Addiction Medicine and was formerly Vice-President of Primary Care at Stormont-Vail HealthCare in Topeka, Kansas.
Dr. Voth discusses the impacts of marijuana as well as how recommending the medicinal use of marijuana constitutes a deviation from the typical medical standards of care. He will also consider how marijuana is violating the typical elements of product liability.
Video link: https://vimeo.com/user155830996/speakerseries3122024
Click to download the presentation slides (PDF)
Speaker Details
Dr. Voth is the President and Chairman of the Board of the International Academy on the Science and Impact of Cannabis (IASIC). Dr. Voth is a pioneer in the appropriate prescribing of controlled medications and is recognized as an international authority on drug use, drug policy-related issues, pain management, and appropriate prescribing practices. Dr. Voth also serves as an advisor on alcohol and drug abuse issues to the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts, is a former member of the National Advisory Committee for the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment of HHS, and is a Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. Dr. Voth has advised Reagan, Clinton, both Bush, and Obama administrations, and has advised or testified for numerous Congressional offices on drug-related issues. He has appeared on or consulted to, numerous other radio media, and has been quoted by numerous international print media.