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Motivational Interviewing for Loved Ones: A New Approach for Parents of Teens and Young Adults

December 01, 2021

Speaker Emily Kline. A communication strategy called motivational interviewing is widely used by health professionals to enhance people’s motivation to make healthy changes. Dr. Emily Kline has developed a motivational interviewing-inspired curriculum for parents of teens and young adults struggling with issues ranging from substance use to school refusal to serious mental illness. In this workshop, Dr. Kline will teach attendees about the principles of motivational interviewing and share how parents can use these skills to have closer relationships and more productive conversations with their teen and young adult children.Video link:

Speaker Details

Full Name
Emily KlineEmily Kline

PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine

Dr. Emily Kline is a psychologist, an assistant professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine, and the director of psychological services for the Wellness and Recovery After Psychosis Clinic at Boston Medical Center. She is an expert on early intervention in psychosis and the needs of families dealing with mental illness. Her research focuses on mental health care access, treatment outcomes, and family communication. Dr. Kline also enjoys writing and speaking for popular audiences about young adult development and family communication.