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Marijuana's Impact on Driving

February 24, 2022

Speaker Phillip Drum. This seminar will discuss the impact marijuana use has on driving. Review of pharmacokinetics of major cannabis components. Review data from impaired driving fatalities and methods used to monitor impaired drivers.

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Speaker Details

Full Name
Phillip DrumPhillip-Drum

Pharm. D., Clinical Pharmacist

Phillip A Drum, Pharm, D., FCSHP received his doctorate in Pharmacy from the University of California – San Francisco. He is a 30+ year licensed pharmacist who has had a wide range of experiences – from community pharmacy practice, a residency in Hospital Pharmacy, practice as a hospital-based Oncology pharmacist, Pharmacy Administration work as a Clinical Coordinator and later a Regional Manager and leader of regional pharmacy training and patient safety programs. He has been active in Pharmacy Associations and has spoken state-wide and nationally on various pharmaceutical topics. As a result of a family tragedy, he has been active in research on driving and marijuana and educating the public over the dangers of marijuana in society.